Message from the Dean
I sometimes feel that a 'learning faerie' is living in the forests of Kumamoto University. The exquisite campus, surrounded by woods, is the former site of the Fifth High School (under the old education system) which was the beginning of higher education in Kyushu. While knowingly treading the same pathways of their eminent predecessors, students work hard to improve and accomplish their goals in highly advanced, cutting-edge research with the help and support of the finest faculty.
Knowledge of law and public policy, the two pillars of law education and research, is passed on by our professors to the students assembled here through their shared love of learning. This continuing cycle has become a driving force for creating graduates who make necessary contributions to society in a plethora of ways. In time, each student's passion will, much like the learning faerie has, become part of the campus - breathing life into every corner and resulting in the ultimate learning environment.
The Kumamoto University Faculty of Law endeavors to pass on our tradition of learning to following generations, and through the publishing of the latest research by our faculty, works with local organizations to provide essential contributions to all levels of domestic and global society.
This website aims to build interest and understanding in the research and educational activities carried out by the Kumamoto University Faculty of Law.
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Since 2017.4.3